It is apparent that the capabilities of the digital world have expanded and developed because of COVID. But what happens now that we do not have to quarantine anymore? Have we set aside the online facilities available to us? I voice my opinion on this regarding online-lectures in this very informal podcast.
P.S. sorry about the cuts and changes in the audio, I tried my best :)).
Thank you for speaking out about this topic. It also concerns me that the university stops recording lectures and make it accessible online. I have two different lectures on the same day but in different cities. The time I only got to commute to the next town is only 15 minutes and there is no way I can make it on time. So, I kind of sacrifice the earlier lecture in order to be present in the other one, on time. Also because the first one has no compulsory attendance. But still. I’m deeply interested in both lectures and I actually dont want to miss a single thing. Recording the lectures do not cause any harm. I completely agree. Besides, checking on stundent’s attendace could be the solution to make them keep coming to the ‘live’ classes. I also do not think that recorded lectures will decrease students’ motivation to go to the campus. Or maybe yes? Oh well, we dont really know that unless we give it a try, right? Sooo please! Record the lectures! 😉
Thanks for your comment! I didn’t even think about students that might have schedule conflicts, very frustrating!