Welcome to your first day @ Digital!

Welcome message 💌

Hi! Thank you for interest in joining Digital 😀

At Digital, you can find all kinds of information you could ever think of, and everything you need (and do not need) to better your own reality, or, well, create your own alternate one. If you’re looking to learn, explore different things, create and join cool communities and discussions, or just for somewhere to pretend the rest of the world doesn’t exist, or maybe you just wanna be delusional for a while, look no further. This might just be the perfect opportunity for you!

One of the main perks of being at Digital is that you can make your own schedule, hours are flexible, you can start and end your shift whenever you feel like you’ve consumed and/or created enough content and would still like to have enough brain cells to take on the rest of…whatever it is you do in your actual life. You will quickly realize that there are several niches you can explore here and be part of, which is another one of the main reasons why it is so great.

This is a little guide to give you an overview of what a normal day at Digital looks like from morning to night, including some of your tasks and responsibilities.

We hope to have you with us as soon as possible!


After you wake up, make sure to get your phone and go to TikTok first thing. There you will find random people doing random, funny, often kind of weird stuff, and we just love to see it. No one can deny this thing is entertaining and a bit…addictive.

Can be a great source of entertainment, inspiration, acquisition of random facts and bits of knowledge to share with your friends.

You will see that there are a lot of communities you can be part of, they are also called aesthetics/something-”core”. It’s pretty cool, right?! But hey, if you don’t pay enough attention you can lose your sense of self and personality and end up in an existential crisis constantly asking yourself if what you’ve been consuming is what you actually like and want to see, or if you’re being totally influenced to like it and the whole thing is actually just being pushed down your throat by the algorithm. Haha… careful not to fall into that trap!

⚠️ Oh, another warning: it’s pretty fast paced, but I’m sure you’ll soon keep up with it and wish everything else in life could be fast-forwarded at 2x :))))

Task: First day it’s chill, just go there to browse for 15 minutes or so and see for yourself!


Oh! You’ve been on TikTok for 2 hours? 😂

That’s part of it, we all do it, so it’s okay. Anyway, it’s time to mix it up a little and see other things! Your task for the afternoon is to check out Pinterest for lots of (often unattainable) inspo, and Twitter…oh, sorry, I meant X. Sorry. Twitter quit Digital a while ago and we are still getting used to their new substitute, X, but it’s just not the same…well, at least you can see some mildly funny memes and join some more discussions on there. If you’re looking for higher-quality, or maybe more questionable, pieces of content, you can also go on Reddit.

Want a bit more social interaction? Don’t worry, this is what Digital is all about! Go to Instagram and react or reply to your loved ones’ posts and stories, you can often start some conversations that way. While they take their time to reply, you can check out the Reels and Explore sections of the app. It’s quite similar to TikTok, so we think you won’t be too overwhelmed by it. That is of course ignoring the whole overload of information you have to process within 5 to 10 seconds. But anyway, have fun but don’t knock yourself out so much you’ll stay browsing on there for another 2 hours, okay?!


Hey, hope you got out of bed and did something besides work at this point of the day already…Did you eat? Have enough water? Take a walk, or went outside? We sure hope you did, otherwise, consider that as your task for the evening.

Let’s have a break now, get out of your room and say hi to whomever it is you live with. If you live alone and can’t stand the annoying silence, you can have your dinner with a portion of content on the side by visiting YouTube or Netflix and watching something. You know, just for the background noise. Best thing is: it goes well with every meal!

Another option would be to listen to an audiobook on Audible, or to a podcast on Spotify, there you can find all sorts of genres that will surely spark your interest.

Can’t sleep? Too many thoughts? Or maybe no thoughts at all? That’s fine, go on TikTok again for a few minutes until you feel sleepy. Make sure to actually sleep, though, it’s not on the contract to work extra hours every night.

That’s it! Should you have any questions don’t hesitate to create a thread, send us an email or reach us out on WhatsApp if it’s really urgent.

We wish you’ll have an enjoyable experience @ Digital!

Best regards,

The Digital Team