
Project Portfolio

If you have not submitted all your content items and the reflection before the final submission date?


You would like to or need to improve your final portfolio grade?

Then you need to submit any missing items and/or the reflection before February 7, 2025 as an updated portfolio on Brightspace.

Teamwork for the video or podcast is still allowed. Team members are responsible for making the final retake submission date together.

Retake Course Literature?

Did you get a failing grade for your Course Literature grade item and do you need to improve your grade to pass the course?

You will have the possibility of a retake in the form of a discussion with the lecturer.

These will take place before 8 February 2025, in all likelihood, in the first week of February.

Retake Presentation?

Did you get a failing grade or did you, with reason, miss your presentation slot?

We will have a retake presentation session, these will take place before 8 February 2025, in all likelihood in the first week of February.

Extenuating Circumstances

Like you, we want you to pass this course. Have there been any challenges (physical, mental, social, or otherwise), that reasonably prevented you from participating fully for the first take or re-take? Please make sure you communicate this to your student support services and ask them to contact us via e-mail.

If you like, you can also contact us separately to fill us in on the situation, but it is not necessary to share personal details with us directly.

Once we have received word about extenuating circumstances from your student support person, we will contact you, and we can work out a course completion plan that will take into account your circumstances as best as possible.

Please note that due to Leiden University exam regulations, all coursework has to be graded by the end of this academic year 2024-2025. You cannot extend this into the next academic year.