In this podcast, university students Youri, Sohaib, and Martijn unpack the phenomenon of FOMO—Fear of Missing Out—and its powerful connection to social media. Together, we examine...
Continue reading...Martijn
Irresponsible implementation
With the capabilities of (generative) AI on the rise, individuals and companies have adapted and changed their workflow to fully exploit the benefits AI offers. Companies...
Continue reading...A hackathon to save Christianity
On Friday, NOS, the main news outlet in the Netherlands, headlined: “Talkshow met Mozes? Bijbelgenootschap en EO hacken de Bijbel met AI” [Talkshow with Moses? The...
Continue reading...My pitch for a better autocorrect
As I was texting my friends about a birthday gift for someone, I replied: “Dat is vast een leuke verassing.” [That’s probably a nice cremation]. For...
Continue reading...Unplanned progress
Last week, I was talking with a friend who works in astronomy. He’s on the IT side of large, decade-spanning projects, and he told me that...
Continue reading...Apathy and Dread; the dualism of a digital world
Heavy title, I know, but I hope that by the end of this post, you’ll find it justified. In this blog, I’ll guide you through my...
Continue reading...Big Tech in Europe
It’s Wednesday morning, and I am, as usual, cycling to Uni. It’s a pleasant ride; without headwind, it’s just under half an hour, which is just...
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