Some weeks ago I read an introduction to a journal issue, containing some very interesting insights in how methods from data science and database analysis can be used in humanities research. One data science tool that has revolutionized science communication in various fields is Jupyter.
Continue reading...Cyborg Spinach
According to google, a cyborg is a ‘’fictional or hypothetical person whose physical abilities are extended beyond normal human limitations by mechanical elements built into the...
Continue reading...Unnamed Podcast Episode 2: Always leaving a trace: What is your Digital Footprint and how it is used
Hello and welcome to the second podcast episode made by Ceiba Dick-Read, Max Alexandre and Gijs Mesman. In this episode, Max is host and introduces the...
Continue reading...Play to Earn: Is It Play or Labour?
“To be ludic is not to be ludicrous. Play doesn’t have to be frivolous, although frivolity isn’t triviality; very often we ought to take frivolity seriously....
Continue reading...I almost became a toxic gamer
Just this past weekend, Rainbow 6 Siege (R6S) welcomed me back after four years of being afked with 12 straight losses; but what really disappointed me...
Continue reading...Should true crime be made into a series?
Netflix released the series Dahmer – Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story almost three weeks ago and it has been the topic of most conversations. The series...
Continue reading...Why did the Dutch YouTube Gathering (live and) die?
It may not feel like it, but YouTube’s been around for a hot bit now. Remember when you first saw a jumpscare like this: on a...
Continue reading...Disinformation and Governmental Control of Social Media
Where did tumblr tumble down?
In my mid-teens, I started a tumblr. What is this weird spelling for a liquid-holding vessel you may ask? In internet lingo a “tumblr” refers to...
Continue reading...If You be Funkey
Have you ever heard of Skylanders? You know, it’s that one video game that uses a physical base platform on top of which you place these...
Continue reading...The elderly and digital media use
All quiet on the digital front
my flatmate can’t stop doomscrolling and it’s tearing our family apart. this is a cry for help.
Continue reading...Podcast – Coded Bias: AI in Power
In this podcast, we (Mehak, Isabel, and Lara) talk about the documentary “Coded Bias,” directed by Shalini Kantayya. The documentary discusses how biased the algorithms used...
Continue reading...Podcast – Coded Bias: AI in power
In this podcast, we (Mehak, Isabel, and Lara) talk about the documentary “Coded Bias,” directed by Shalini Kantayya. The documentary discusses how biased the algorithms used...
Continue reading...Digital media and the impact on attitudes towards refugees and migrants
Introduction Since the invasion of Russia in Ukraine I noticed that the Dutch attitude towards and against migrants has changed. I find it interesting that we...
Continue reading...Minecraft: parasocial relationships driving the internet
A lot of things happened on the internet this week. For interesting and intellectual articles on this, please go to your local news site or commission...
Continue reading...Determining Attractiveness: Tinder’s Algorithm
A few months ago I got a video on my TikTok “For You” page that explained in an alarmist manner that Tinder was determining who to...
Continue reading...Let’s enjoy performance through ONLINE!
Do you like music and concerts? Have you ever been to a concert hall and watched a performance? Then, when COVID-19 came, how did you feel?...
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