For all course communication, whether in text or in class, please follow the good old principles of netiquette.
In-class discussion: Chatham House Rules
In our discussions, the point is to talk freely about a wide range of subjects. These may potentially be sensitive issues of personal or even political nature. As the point is to be able to share our thoughts openly, our discussions fall under the so-called Chatham House Rules:
When a meeting, or part thereof, is held under the Chatham House Rule, participants are free to use the information received, but neither the identity nor the affiliation of the speaker(s), nor that of any other participant, may be revealed.
Quote from
In principle, the instructor is the only one exempt from this rule. You are allowed to share the information we gave you in the course, with name attached.
Other students may be willing to grant you the same exemption, but please always ask first.
All major announcements for this course will be placed on Brightspace. Here you will also be able to find all required course literature that is not accessible otherwise.
Contact Us?
Don’t hesitate to ask questions in class. If it is a specific question, you can use the break.
Walter: You can reach me via e-mail at
Janessa: I work on Tuesdays and Friday, you can contact me either via email, Teams or meet me IRL in the Digital Lab.
Angus : On Wednesday (10:00-11:00) I will be directly available for any questions in my office or at Digital Lab@Huizinga (0.09). To find this arcane place of digital knowledge, mystery, and creativity, head left after entering the Huizinga building and enter the Humanities Hub!
For online contact, please use Microsoft Teams. I do my best to respond the same day.
Please, only send me e-mails if visiting during my open office hours or messaging on Teams is not an option.

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