Quantum Physics: From Atom Bombs to the Cutting Edge of Innovation

Would you believe me if I told you that quantum physics is one of the most interesting fields in physics? It’s a field that dives deep into the behavior of matter and energy at extremely small, microscopic levels. Besides it being very important in many fields, such as medicine, pharmaceutical science, civil engineering etc. , it has also been key to some of the most groundbraking technologies in history, from the first atom bomb to quantum computers. 

In this blog, I will explore three interesting applications of quantum physics: its role in the development of the first atom bomb, the foundations of quantum computing and a innovative approach in energy storage. 

Part I – The first atom bomb

The development of the first atom bomb took place during World War II, known as the Manhattan Project. This actually would not be possible without quantum physics, introduced by Max Planck in 1900 and later prefected by Albert Einstein. The central concept of the project was an understanding of nuclear fission, a process where the nucleus of an atom splits into smaller parts, releasing a extremely large amount of energy. The key isoptes used in the bombs were uranium-235 and plutonium-239. 

By applying principles such as quantum tunneling, scientists could understand how neutrons might penetrate atomic nuclei to initiate fission. This project brougth together some big names in physics, like Niels Bohr, Richard Feynman and Robert Oppenheimer. Their work led to the detonation of two bomb in 1945, which showcased both the power and the terrible consequences of using quantum physics for destructive purposes. 

Part II – Quantum computers

Moving from negative to possitive, from destruction to innovation, introducing the role of quantum physics in quantum computing. Unlike traditional computers storing information as bits, that can be either 0 or 1, quantum computers use qubits, which can exist as 0, 1, or both at the same time due to superposition. This concept, combined with entanglement, allows quantum computers to process complex calculations unimaginably faster than traditional computers. This allows them to potentially solve problems that are impossible for traditional computers, such as modeling molecular interactions for drug development. There are already companies making steps in building early prototypes, like Google, IBM and D-Wave. 

Part III – Quantum batteries

One of the most interesting application of quantum physics is the development of quantum batteries. These purely theoretical devices use phenomena like superabsorption, where more particles participate  in efficiently absorbing energy, unlike normal batteries that slow down as they charge.

Research suggests that quantum batteries could absorb energy faster than normal batteries, even on a large scale, making them potentially charge almost instantly. This would be a mindblowing revolution for industries like electric vehicles, reducing charging times significantly. Imagine an EV battery that recharges in seconds instead of hours. 

Additionally, quantum batteries may offer greater durability, with less capacity loss over time, making them more sustainable.