The podcast series Digital Soundscape consists of 5 different episodes, which aim to offer deeper insights into digital sounds generated in/by digital space. With team members Annabel, Agustina, Cara, Viktoria, and Jiyoung, we use our five different episodes as an ongoing conversation among us. We divided our team into two groups(Cara, Viktoria, Jiyoung / Annabel, Augustina) and at the end of each episode, we asked the question to another group. Therefore, each episode is both the answer to the previous episode and the question for the next episode.
Our podcast series touches upon personal experience with digital sound, as well as the socio-cultural aspects of digitally generated sounds. Based on our research over the course of 4 episodes, In the last episode, we will share our soundscape work as a result of this whole conversation.

In the third part of our podcast, we (Cara, Viktoria, Jiyoung) talk about the spatiality of sound, and how sound can provide a sense of spatiality. In connection to that, we talked about different recording methods, techniques and equipment, and speaker arrangements. Based on this conversation of theoretical and technological aspects of sound equipment, we also conversed about Anne Imhof’s exhibition Youth in the Stedelijk Museum and the exhibition Tresor 31 | Techno, Berlin und die große Freiheit in Kraftwerk, Berlin.
We hope you enjoy our podcast and see you at our fourth episode.
Loved this episode! I recently visited Imhof’s exhibition and thought the sound was quite effective in communicating a lurking sense of danger. I certainly would perceive the exhibition differently without the sound, which I think goes to show how effective yet underrated the relation of sound to visuality is in art.
The Les Immateriaux exhibition from 1985 also came to my mind, where visitors had to wear headphones that would change sounds as they walked through the space, somewhat like Tresor 31. In that case, the sound literally formed the visitor’s perception of space, even though the sound had no dimension in a physical sense. I think the spatiality of sounds can be a very interesting tool!