Some recent exhibitions about AI

The Louisiana Museum of Modern Art in Copenhagen is doing an exhibition right now about human creativity and AI. I wanted to write my last blog post about visiting the exhibition as the convergence of AI and art is a topic I haven’t really touched on so far in my posts here. Unfortunately, it turns out I won’t be able to visit until after the final deadline so instead I’ve decided to round up a small handful of current museum exhibitions dealing with AI- if you happen to be near any of these museums over the winter holidays make sure to visit!

The Irreplaceable Human: Conditions of Creativity in the Age of AI

The first entry on this list is at Louisiana as previously mentioned. The exhibition investigates the anxieties of the artist working as AI technology progresses and asks whether it will ever be truly possible for AI to overtake humans in making art. The central tenet of the exhibition is the idea of human creativity- the curator posits that this is what separates us from machines. They build the structure of the exhibition around the concept of creativity and how it is manifested and developed, especially in a world where we are made to feel like cogs in a machine.

The exhibition argues that we need to take the long view: to prepare the ground beyond what seems immediately lucrative and to dare to believe that something new and valuable will emerge from it.

Matthias Ussing Seeberg

Smart World

The Techniches Museum Wien seems like the ideal museum for this course. It’s dedicated to highlighting new technologies and reflecting on their relationship to culture and society. Their exhibition Smart World is more education-based than the exhibition at Louisiana. It seeks to give the visitor an overview of the current state of knowledge on AI. It gives viewpoints both from the pro and anti-AI sides of the debate and it doesn’t limit itself to AI and its use in art- it’s more focused on how AI is already embedded in our everyday lives and its applications in fields like education and healthcare. It invites the viewer to decide whether these applications will be good or bad.

AI: Who’s Looking After Me?

This exhibition at the London Science Gallery reflects on the impact AI has already had on our lives through 13 art pieces many of which are interactive. The pieces are varied in the sectors of life they investigate- several are about healthcare, others are about the process and limits of machine learning, and still others are about our relationships with AI and the companies that own them. One of the most interesting pieces of this exhibition to me was “The Future is Here!” by Mimi Onuoha about the massive amount of unseen cheap labor behind AI models and the tagged datasets they work off of.

Act as if you are a curator: An AI Generated Exhibition

Finally, I don’t think this exhibit is still open and it’s by far the furthest away from Leiden but the Nasher Museum of Art at Duke University actually let ChatGPT curate an exhibition. The pieces themselves are not about AI, they’re from the museum’s existing collection but the curation team used a series of prompts to make ChatGPT choose which artworks to display and what would be in the wall labels.