Small things can have big impact

Sometimes I find it hard to come up with a topic for a blog post. Since this is my last one, I wanted to try something new, something outside my comfort zone. And let’s be honest, it’s easy to procrastinate when you don’t know what to write about; wich I did. But instead of writing about a complex or controversial topic, I’d like to share some of my recent thoughts with you.

Impact of little things

Lately, I’ve been thinking about how small things can have a big impact. Often, we’re so focused on our own lives that we don’t see the bigger picture. A simple example: recently, I wrote a postcard to my grandma. It was a spontaneous idea, nothing deep or special. But later, my dad told me that it had touched her a lot. For me, it was just a small gesture, but for my grandma, it meant a lot.

This made me think: how often do we not realize how much influence we can have on someone else, even with small actions? How often do these moments pass by without us noticing?

Small gestures

There are so many times when small things have made my day. I still remember when a dog came up to me, and I got to pet him. It became the highlight of my day.  Or like when my dad unexpectedly brought me a cup of tea because he knew I had been studying all day. Or the time when a friend sent me a message just to say she’d always be there for me. That small message really changed how I felt and how I saw her.

And then there are compliments. There’s a rumor that men get fewer compliments, but they really love receiving them. And of course, that goes for everyone. Whether it’s a comment about someone’s appearance or a word of appreciation, such small words can mean a lot. It’s not only nice receive them; but it is as well good for yourself to give them. Research shows that positive social interactions contribute to our well-being and happiness. It’s such a small gesture, like a small compliment, but it can make someone’s day.

Final thoughts

What I really want to say is that maybe we can be more aware of how small things can have an effect. Both on the people around us and on ourselves. Something simple like practicing gratitude, by writing down three things you’re thankful for every day, can already have a big impact on your mental well-being. These small habits can lead to a greater sense of happiness.

Maybe the conclusion of my thoughts is that we could all be a bit kinder to each other. Small gestures can make a big difference. Think about having a quick chat with a stranger on the street, sending a message to someone you haven’t spoken to in a while, or buying something small for someone who’s struggling. These actions might seem small, but for the other person, they can make a big difference.

With everything going on in the world – war, poverty, climate change – it can sometimes feel like we can’t do much. But by doing these small, everyday things for the people around us, we might still make the world a little bit better. Maybe we can’t save the world with small gestures, but we can make someone’s day a little brighter. And isn’t that already a good start?

Thanks for reading my thoughts.



research: Amati, V., Meggiolaro, S., Rivellini, G. et al. Social relations and life satisfaction: the role of friends. Genus 74, 7 (2018).

practicing gratitude