The sheer plethora of social media communication platforms that are launched every year continues to amaze me. When you thought you had nailed the perfect UX/UI...
Continue reading...How YouTube has changed the world
YouTube is a media platform that has risen in popularity amongst the public, both young and old. The platform has also adjusted to what the viewer...
Continue reading...When it´s not food that ferments.
The other day I started reading The Language of Food: A Linguist reads the menu by Dan Jurafski, in which he explores food origins and unravels...
Continue reading...How the Digital brings us closer to each other, but sometimes a bit too close
The Digital brings us closer to each other, there is no doubt about that. Distances that used to be unbridgeable are now crossed in the blink...
Continue reading...From Novels to TikToks, Instant Gratification and the Rise of Impatience
I’ve had a hard time coming up with an idea for this week’s blog post. While I find it interesting to read about others’ first memories...
Continue reading...I’ll be late for dinner. I’m going treasure hunting with the boys!
Second entry I found out about geocaching during my first year of my Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology Bachelors degree. Geocaching is a form of modern...
Continue reading...How do you identify?
What does ‘the digital’ mean?
‘Digital’, the term seems to be all around us in our current society and the technological attributes that are referred to with this term have penetrated...
Continue reading...How ‘the digital’ slowly took over my life
* Why ‘the digital’ is written here in quotation marks will be elaborated more on in my next blogpost, but has to do with the fact...
Continue reading...Bob Ross: A Happy Accident?
Our life is filled with happy accidents. We make mistakes, regret them and then make the best out of a sticky situation. Most of us will...
Continue reading...Studying online, why not try using StudyStream?
When talking about digitalization, the first thing that came to my mind is school. Since the second semester of my first year, I have taken most...
Continue reading...Cooking in The Digital Age and Why My Mom Wouldn’t Share Her Recipes
I believe many of us can relate to this: you move into your first ever own apartment, away from your parents and the town you grow...
Continue reading...We Are All Going to Be Cancelled
I know the title sounds scary but don’t panic. Let me explain everything to you. In my first blog, I want to touch upon a matter...
Continue reading...You don’t look at the screen, the screen looks at you: The Internet & Social Media in China
Pros, Joes and Influencers: Social Media and the Skateboarding Industry
It is no secret that the internet has changed the way people become famous. Previously, those who reached for the stars were reliant on the capital,...
Continue reading...The influence of ‘influencers’ on social media
In today’s day and age, if a company wants the public to buy their product, a social media influencer is the way to go. Instead of...
Continue reading...Functional Programming – In a Nutshell
Object-Oriented or Functional Programming? With the number of software developers steadily increasing every year, the expectation of the quality of software increases. This clashes with the...
Continue reading...Social Media, Capitalism and Performance: ranting about living in a post-digital age
As I was philosophising about what topic to talk about in this week’s blog post, I thought about the people I looked up to in the...
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