I came across this trend today (be real), realising that I am a bit running behind on the latest trends of social media. This platform is not surprisingly getting trendy nowadays, due to the fact that it stimulates the authentic part in people and wants them to be real either in timing, content and be themselves at that specific moment. The idea is pretty interesting, looking at the fact that most of social media platforms are lacking that aspect of authenticity and being original in your presence online. It is always about getting the attention and getting trendy no matter how and why. This has led many people to take a step back and form a more private sub-platforms within the big platforms, such as Instagram. The platform started spreading the idea of having a specific time every day and all at the same moment. This technique prevents any space for editing too much or faking your presence in the content you are posting at that specific time. A very smart approach to encourage people to do such a thing.

The big question: is it just another addictive social media platform?
yes, I see your point of view. It is just another social media platform that is solving other platforms issues and providing a solution for many individuals that are looking for improvement in their lives. It can certainly be addictive and catchy as you are waiting for that notification everyday. It does give that dopamine spike the moment you get the notification to start posting and be creative in a very fast way and spontaneously. However, if not quite aware, it can lead to very deep level of addiction, just like any other social media platform that starts with a very good intention and ends up selling your data and manipulating your political views and perspective on certain things in life.

This is what I am talking about; robots using social media. Don’t take it seriously though, it is a sarcastic way of imposing reality of our societies nowadays.
The perfect ad:
The moment I saw this ad, I was already impressed by the idea of this add, which was inspired by the ne trend on Instagram of people making second private accounts for their “photo dump” gallery and that caught the attention of some people and came up with this interesting app. More initiatives like this could result in awareness and more conscious decisions while surfing the broad world of social media. The digital space is indeed providing more solutions, inspiration, and space for stimulating people’s creativity. Could we see more apps that thrive for more privacy and protraction of their data in the near future, or it will stay a trap that attracts you to only generate profits of our data and usage of such apps?
I am under the impression that Be Real’s premise is quite genuine and has way less of an “addictive” potential in comparison to other platforms (this is not excluding, of course, that the platform’s aim is to make profit). Although I do see the risk of it becoming another vessel for fast-paced, constructed entertainment, I also recognise great positive potential in it. Seeing my friends post very candid, “boring” and “normal” snippets of their life brought me comfort at times where I felt like my life was not “exciting”, and created a nice sense of communality, especially as far as student life is concerned. I have to admit that I post rarely on BeReal precisely because it is hard for me to let go of that ideally constructed image of self that is so often put forward on other platforms. Social media is going to be in our lives regardless in most cases, maybe we might as well invest in more in those that help us positively re-define images of the self online! Just sharing my experience with it ๐
P.S. ignore the passive-aggressive emoji, I keep forgetting that parenthesis smileys turn into that
good to read your experience! Yeh, I will :). I see your point, that we are living in a situation in which we follow or have to the games rules/ society standards, either through social media or in real life. WE have to comply to such standards regardless of the form that its being reflected on, in my opinion. However, I see this kind of initiatives on the open-source platforms, where people help each other, regardless of their status, capabilities, or backgrounds. Being aware of how deep we dive in a habit is the most significant aspect.