When I was little I used to play a board game with my grandparents and brother every day after school. Unlike many classmates I didn’t have...
Continue reading...Walk through the park
Last time, I wrote a blog about Breeze, a dating app that brings people together in real life, without having to chat first. This week I...
Continue reading...The Affordances of Online Platforms: Exploring Connectivity in Friend-Making Apps
Learn how to see. Realise that everything connects to everything else. Leonardo Da Vinci In the age of digitalisation, the concept of affordance assumes a central...
Continue reading...(Podcast) What Is Happening to Fashion? Digital Wardrobe
How might the digital environment transform the fashion industry in a better way? From current issues with recent Fashion Weeks to a quite newly emerged digital fashion world, my podcast will delve into issues of sustainability, ethics, and creativity. Join!
Continue reading...Finding Community In The Night Life
When I moved to Amsterdam, like a rite of passage, I became very interested in the techno scene, and after several nights of trial and error,...
Continue reading...[Video essay] Why should you care about right to repair?
Identity Crisis from Personality Tests
I believe that the reason the majority of people are obsessed with horoscopes is not because they believe it holds power over their lives, but because...
Continue reading...Creation of New Vocabulary
Language serves as the carrier of information, and in the age of information explosion, the interplay of multiple languages makes it easy for people to create...
Continue reading...I might be addicted to data
Hello to everyone and thank you for being here in Data Addicts Anonymous, My name is Aylin, I have been addicted to data for the past...
Continue reading...Pokémon Sleep – A case study in gamifying health!
My personal context for the podcast episode: Recently, I downloaded the app Pokemon Sleep after hearing a friend talk about it.The premise of the app is...
Continue reading...The Timeless Wisdom of Vintage Sci-Fi: What Old Classics Got Right and What We’re Still Waiting For
With the new movie “Dune” comming up, I randomly stumbled upon a copy of “Dune” by Frank Herbert I had laying around, the epic tale of...
Continue reading...Digital-age Romance: Social Media’s Influence on Love
In today’s world of social media, our love stories have taken on a whole new flavor. Those days of quietly savoring special moments with our beloved...
Continue reading...The Influence of Social Media on Youth: The iPad Generation
In today’s digital age, an entire generation is growing up with technology at their fingertips. Often referred to as the “iPad Generation,” this new generation is...
Continue reading...Censorship in online games:
Introduction: The immersive world of online gaming is more than just entertainment, creating dynamic spaces where players interact, compete, and form communities online with each other....
Continue reading...influence of music in video games 2/2: My Own experiences
introduction: In this continuation of my first blog post about music in video games I want to talk about my own experiences with music in video...
Continue reading...Influence of music in videogames 1/2
Introduction Music in video games is more than just a backdrop; it’s a powerful storytelling tool, an emotional catalyst, and a fundamental aspect of the gaming...
Continue reading...a letter to the blue bird app (currently known as X) (formerly known as Twitter)
If you asked me about my earliest memory in the digital world, it probably would have to be either my grandma playing Mah-jong on that really...
Continue reading...“Miss, for a dollar, name a reason why street interviews are a bad thing”
If you have surfed internet long enough, you have probably stumbled upon excerpts of street interviews from billyonthestreettv, like this one. The almost 3.5 million views...
Continue reading...The Art of Subtle Streaming Content Recommendations
It is no secret anymore that the streaming service Netflix has practiced personalised user experience through the covers of movies and TV-shows. Not only does its...
Continue reading...Paralympics TikTok account: the thin line between ableism and inclusivity?
Videos from the official TikTok account of the Paralympics has crossed my feed on different platforms on more than one occasion. Their videos often use clips...
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