Duolingo , or “The world’s best way to learn a language” according to the application itself, was launched to the public in 2012, and according to...
Continue reading...How to deal with social media overwhelm
In this video I will be talking about social media overwhelm. I will define the term sensory overload and relate to Goffman’s theory on theatrical performativity...
Continue reading...Self-driving car morality test
In this video, part 1.5 of our podcast, Andrea Blätler, James Bentham and I do the self-driving car morality test! do it yourself here: https://www.moralmachine.net/
Continue reading...The Omegaverse: claiming a trope (pt 2)
In the second part of this three-part podcast James Bentham, Andrea Blätler, and I discuss a copyright lawsuit about books in the Omegaverse. We discuss copyright...
Continue reading...What are you talking about?! Miscommunication in the Digital
Hello everyone, Laura Akerboom and I (Ruth van der Weijden) made a podcast together about communication and therefore also miscommunication in the Digital. We came to...
Continue reading...Lockdown and Christmas: How I Combat the Loneliness
It’s December, Sinterklaas has long since arrived back in Spain, the temperatures outside are dipping into the negatives, and everywhere you look you see fairy lights...
Continue reading...Nobody cares about your Spotify Wrapped
It’s that time of the year again. December 1st. You open Instagram, as you probably do every morning, just to browse around. See what your friends...
Continue reading...The Lazy Protest
What really is the meaning behind posting something solely for ‘bringing more awareness’? What is the true benefit of these posts and what about these posts...
Continue reading...Update on online Charity
In my opinion there are currently two big Charities going strong on YouTube the first one is #TeamSeas and the $1.000.000 stream for St. Jude. Lets...
Continue reading...Draw My Life: Digital Media Edition!
For my last content piece, I thought I’d talk about my own experiences growing up with the digital world. Hope you all enjoy! 🙂 Ps: I...
Continue reading...Subreddits
When I was having an early Christmas dinner with some friends, we started talking about subreddits. I had never heard of a subreddit: “What does that...
Continue reading...#DepressionVersusSocialMedia
The twenty-first century is the century of technology; social media is prevailing in every aspect of our lives and can be quite convenient in many cases...
Continue reading...How watching my brother play video games made me into an avid media consumer
How productivity apps make you less productive
Have you ever been laying in bed or chilling on the couch in the evening when suddenly a strike of inspiration and motivation strikes and you...
Continue reading...Digital Detoxes, Screentime, and Living 10 Years in the Past
In this video, I chat about how the differences in my enivornment have affected my screentime, particularly between my family home in Latvia and my life...
Continue reading...Instagram ads gone too far (video)
I’ve made a short videos about the problems of instagram advertisements and paid sponsorship of cosmetic procedures and plastic surgeries. Enjoy! Sources https://www.bbc.com/news/newsbeat-59406842 https://brogan.com/blog/cosmetic-surgery-advertising-changing-face-medical-marketing/ https://www.firstpost.com/tech/news-analysis/instagram-being-flooded-by-fake-cosmetic-surgery-posts-that-can-be-deadly-3990893.html https://www.chicagotribune.com/business/ct-instagram-plastic-surgery-study-0830-biz-20170829-story.html...
Continue reading...My Most Recent Experiences with The Digital
Having started my blogs with my first ever encounter of a digital community, I figured that it would be nice to end with my most recent...
Continue reading...Surveillance in Education: Why Privacy is Necessary For Intellectual Freedom
The use of surveillance technologies in educational institutions has long been a topic of interest for me. Motivated by the intention to further unpack some key...
Continue reading...Echo-chambers and Technological Group Think: The Case For Platform Socialism
Having previously considered social media marketing as a potential career path for myself, I had once sworn myself to the world of marketing analytics until I...
Continue reading...The fun but problematic Everskies
For my last post, I want to show you a website that has been one of my recent obsessions: Everskies. This website is a combination of...
Continue reading...
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