In this episode of Work in progress, we talk about how weird it is to be simultaneously isolated in a house or room, while also being...
Continue reading...How World of Warcraft managed to accidentally simulate a pandemic.
Socially speaking, (video) games are often dismissed as “childish”. Indeed, those playing games, physical or digital, are often seen as having nothing better to do, and...
Continue reading...The Clowncast Ep.2 – You Wouldn’t Download A Car
How “The Digital” Revolutionized Travel
Scammers everywhere!
It is a day as any other, you open your computer just to see a new email notification. Eagerly you open it just to find out...
Continue reading...AI Justice and how AI Can Help Us Fight Crime
Having an AI posing as bait during a massive sting operation might sound like something right out of a science fiction novel, but this practice has...
Continue reading...(Video) What is Fake News and why do we believe it?
Critical thinking in years of Fake News
Vaporwave Aesthetics
Since I am highly interested in this electronic music genre called “Vaporwave”, I wanted to make an infographic on explaining it. I also put a 2.30...
Continue reading...SIM Swapping – Let’s talk about a cyber trend
In my previous blogs, I wrote about influencers and online trends. This week’s blog will be about another kind of trend you really need to know...
Continue reading...Safe Spaces for… Men
I recently joined a Facebook group where it consists of only females. It’s really quite nice since I get to expand my social circle, and I...
Continue reading...You’re an addict and you don’t even know it
Instagram likes = Cocaine? So this was supposed to be a podcast, but I had a technical fail. This shows how reliant we are on our...
Continue reading...The Music Streaming Paradox
Nowadays almost everyone listens to music through streaming platforms such as Spotify, Deezer, Apple Music, Google Music or even YouTube (even tough it is technically a...
Continue reading...To Learn or Not to Learn
Our world is moving extremely fast these days. Even 30-50 years ago it was fine for people just to graduate from school, get a University diploma,...
Continue reading...Governments using Social Media to Inform the Public (Summary)
Diverse forces impact the world at a consistently increasing speed, obliging us to rethink many concepts and relationships we thought given. Many phenomena are becoming more...
Continue reading...How is gender inequality in art being tackled? (and why are we still having this conversation?)
[Video] THE ALGORITHMS: Does It Know What You Know and Do You Know What It Knows?
. Hope you guys do not mind a long video with crappy animation. Enjoy! . . References BBC News (4th June, 2020). K-pop fans drown out...
Continue reading...The importance of communities in (online)-gaming
How computers (and AI) changed the way we drive
The first car was patented in 1886 by Mr Karl Benz. The car was a simple tricycle with a little engine which had a maximum speed...
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