A few summers ago, I was babysitting my little cousin. My aunt had told me that she could watch some TV in the afternoon, so when...
Continue reading...Help! I am getting fewer likes online: Instagram and algorithm
You have probably heard this before: social media uses algorithm to keep track of your behaviour and use this to predict what you would like to...
Continue reading...Digital Media and Performing Musicians
In this podcast, I interview René van Munster, a classical cellist and portfolio musician who performs with several ensembles in the Netherlands, such as Cello Octet...
Continue reading...Is the whole world spying on us?
Privacy is becoming a more pressing issue by the day. At the time of writing this, the whole world has its eyes on China and its...
Continue reading...The rise of tone indicators
History Tone indicators go way back, all the way to the late 16th century when a man named Henry Denham tried to introduce the percontation point....
Continue reading...The Rise of the Influencer and its Implications on Social Media
I think my first memory of using a social media platform was probably MySpace. In all honesty, I only had one friend — two, if you...
Continue reading...When your vacuum cleaner cries for help
The internet of things The ‘internet of things’ is a collective noun for devices connected to the internet, so called ‘smart devices’. What makes a device...
Continue reading...Online Escapism: Gypsy Rose Blanchard
Why do we participate in online escapism? Many people who are facing the pressures of their daily lives or are residing in toxic environments will often...
Continue reading...Comparing the Instagram pages of Dutch music labels
How Do Photographs Alter Our Childhood Memories?
Before the current age of advanced technology, many people remember the past through observing photographs of their youth. Birthday parties, Halloween nights, family gatherings, and more....
Continue reading...Online payment or cash payment? The pros and cons of both payment methods
Almost everything is digital these days, online shopping, online dating, online banking you name it. Even grocery shopping can be done online now since the Corona...
Continue reading...Gaming, how bad is it?
Married to a Virtual Character: Mr. Kondo & Hatsune Miku
Most of us have probably had a certain feeling for a fictional character at one point. You probably once in your life found yourself sympathizing with...
Continue reading...Marrying the Digital
When talking about the digital in the past, people usually envisioned an infinite space where collective knowledge would be gathered. The internet would bring people together,...
Continue reading...Influencing Elections: The Cambridge Analytica scandal.
You may have heard of the name Cambridge Analytica. The British consulting firm filed for bankruptcy in 2018, after being caught up in a massive scandal...
Continue reading...Why I made an Instagram Page for my Cat
Ever since moving in together, my boyfriend and I have been obsessing over having a little companion in the house. We’d always really wanted a cat...
Continue reading...The applications of digital technology and innovation
Looking back at 20 years ago, people were concerned and worries about the year 2000, which is about to enter the 21st century. And now we...
Continue reading...Am I the only one who hates updates?
Various apps, websites, or soft wares are being constantly changed, modified, and enhanced. Well, at least the developers think that they enhance them. Thousands of people...
Continue reading...Twitter politics and the death of debate in the post-truth world
AUKUS: A Sequel to the Cold War or Just Another Flop?
Does this new military cooperation agreement signify a move towards a 21st Century remake of the Cold War or shall it be rendered the geopolitical equivalent...
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