Multi-Level Marketing, or MLMs, are business enterprises in which participants seek not only to sell products to friends, family, and social media contacts, but also to...
Continue reading...Social Media
I’m not a Kitchen Princess, but the Internet made it Bearable
I’ve come to terms with the fact that I am clumsy a very long time ago. I have to be very careful around knives, because the...
Continue reading...Help! I am getting fewer likes online: Instagram and algorithm
You have probably heard this before: social media uses algorithm to keep track of your behaviour and use this to predict what you would like to...
Continue reading...The Rise of the Influencer and its Implications on Social Media
I think my first memory of using a social media platform was probably MySpace. In all honesty, I only had one friend — two, if you...
Continue reading...Comparing the Instagram pages of Dutch music labels
Marrying the Digital
When talking about the digital in the past, people usually envisioned an infinite space where collective knowledge would be gathered. The internet would bring people together,...
Continue reading...Why I made an Instagram Page for my Cat
Ever since moving in together, my boyfriend and I have been obsessing over having a little companion in the house. We’d always really wanted a cat...
Continue reading...How digitalized are You?
Charity streams or scammity stream
In the last two years, there has been more philanthropic content on all social media platforms. From Mr. Beast giving away millions on all his YouTube...
Continue reading...‘Please turn on notifications!’ – Pros and cons of push notifications
Last Saturday evening I received a push notification about the fact that the CoronaCheck-app was unavailable due to the amount of people using the app at...
Continue reading...Unpopular Opinion: Texting Sucks
It is a non negligible fact that text messaging is one of the best tools to improve our lives. We can reach out to whoever we...
Continue reading...Hey there! Whatsapp is using me
When I am bored, I sometimes find myself scrolling down the list of my Whatsapp contacts while looking at new profile pictures and statuses. A while...
Continue reading...From Houseparty to Clubhouse: How I Have Lost Faith in Meaningful Social Network Designs
The sheer plethora of social media communication platforms that are launched every year continues to amaze me. When you thought you had nailed the perfect UX/UI...
Continue reading...How the Digital brings us closer to each other, but sometimes a bit too close
The Digital brings us closer to each other, there is no doubt about that. Distances that used to be unbridgeable are now crossed in the blink...
Continue reading...How do you identify?
Bob Ross: A Happy Accident?
Our life is filled with happy accidents. We make mistakes, regret them and then make the best out of a sticky situation. Most of us will...
Continue reading...Studying online, why not try using StudyStream?
When talking about digitalization, the first thing that came to my mind is school. Since the second semester of my first year, I have taken most...
Continue reading...You don’t look at the screen, the screen looks at you: The Internet & Social Media in China
Social Media, Capitalism and Performance: ranting about living in a post-digital age
As I was philosophising about what topic to talk about in this week’s blog post, I thought about the people I looked up to in the...
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