Introduction It was Christmas 2006 when I first experienced that there were different expectations to genders and what society expected me to enjoy as a young...
Continue reading...Different Interpretations of the same Law: The GDPR in Norway and The Netherlands
Two weeks before I was moving to the Netherlands to begin my bachelor studies in August 2019, my family and I were joking, with a serious...
Continue reading...Constant case study: grasping the digital ecosystem through the perspective of paperbacks
In my reflection about blogging for students, the comparison with the PDF format may seem odd at first glance, but PDFs are commonly used in the...
Continue reading...Marx’s Theory of Alienation
Hi people! Whilst researching for my previous video, I came across Karl Marx’s theory of Alienation. And instead of including it in the video on Tech...
Continue reading...Tech and DPDR
Hi all! Firstly, I want to say Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! I wish you a bundle of joy, happiness, and health during these...
Continue reading...A Map of The World in Your Pocket? – A Tribute to Google Maps
Google Maps is a digital tool that I do not feel like I could live without, in fact I even believe that it has been the...
Continue reading...The New Age of Chess: Harnessing the Power of Computers in a Digital Age
This blog was inspired by the Week 10 “Are Computers Having Fun?” chess game that was suggested. I am not a good chess player but I...
Continue reading...The volatile nature of cryptocurrencies
How this 12-Year-Old Boy Made $400,000 By Selling NFTs
The phenomenon of censorship
This video gives a brief overview of the phenomenon of censorship around the world. Of course, the topic is so extensive that it couldn’t fit in...
Continue reading...The second largest democratic election
The Search for a Sipke van der Schaar
Hi everyone! I made this video about the story of searching for ‘a Sipke van der Schaar’ and tied it into the digital world of buying...
Continue reading...BlockChained Up
In the aftermath of the implementation of QR-codes for COVID-passports, governments are, after big tech lobbying, pursuing the digitalization of society by opting for digital IDs...
Continue reading...Enter the Matrix: An Exploration of Digital Futures (Part 2)
In the second part of this three-part podcast on the future-shaping potential of current trends in technology, Andrea Blätler, Fiona ‘t Hart and I discuss the...
Continue reading...Enter the Matrix: An Exploration of Digital Futures (Part 1)
In the first part of this three-part podcast on the future-shaping potential of current trends in technology, Andrea Blätler, Fiona ‘t Hart and I discuss videogame...
Continue reading...An Introduction on GeoCaching
In this video I go on a walk with my friend Matthijs to do some GeoCaching, a healthy way of engaging in social play and an...
Continue reading...How gender data gaps affect women
Hello wonderful people, thanks for checking out my video. In it, I take a quick look at why data gaps come to be, what forms they...
Continue reading...Gen Z vs Millennial – podcast
This podcast is a casual talk with my guest Nicole* about some differences between Gen Z and Millennials when it comes to the use of social...
Continue reading...NFT’s and digital art
In our workgroup (Web Weavers) a few weeks ago we discussed NFT’s in response to Jacqueline’s blog post on Meta Birkins. It sparked discussion about why...
Continue reading...Behaviour in online (competitive) games
I will be talking about behaviour in online competitive games. I have played a lot of different games with a lot of different people but I...
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